The Mochi Makers
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The Mochi Makers
你/妳也喜歡吃麻糬嗎? 那你/妳有沒有嘗試過自己搗過麻糬呢? 如果沒有的話,快打開這本書來學習一下怎麼做麻糬吧!
Emi和她的奶奶正在製作好吃的麻糬,這可不是普通的麻糬喔! 食譜可是代代相傳,奶奶從日本帶來美國的喔! 搗麻糬的過程中,Emi和奶奶彷彿回到了日本,創造了好多好多美好的回憶,相信Emi很快就會變成這好吃麻糬最年輕的傳人囉!
A girl and her grandmother spend the day making mochi together in this gentle and joyous “storytelling treat” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review) celebrating family, tradition, and the memories that matter most.
Emi and Obaachan are making mochi. It’s a recipe that’s been passed down for generations. Obaachan brought it with her when she first came to America from Japan and now, Emi is about to become her family’s newest mochi maker!
They mix and pound and twist and wrap. The Japanese rice cakes are sticky and chewy, colorful and tasty, and—most importantly—made with love. For Emi and Obaachan, making mochi becomes a way to remember those they’ve lost, make lots of new memories, and have a fun and family-filled day.
作者:Sharon Fujimoto-Johnson
出版社:Simon & Schuster
尺寸:25.4 x 27.9 cm