Nurture: A Modern Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, Early Motherhood—and Trusting Yourself and Your Body

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Nurture: A Modern Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, Early Motherhood—and Trusting Yourself and Your Body

Nurture: A Modern Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, Early Motherhood—and Trusting Yourself and Your Body

正常價格 NT$925
銷售價格 NT$925 正常價格

懷孕到分娩只有短短的10個月,但這當中的每個階段都格外的重要。這本作品是孕婦們最好的幫手,作者Erica Chidi是一名專業的助產士,她幫助了數以百計的家庭成功地迎接新生兒,並扮演好自己的角色。書中涵蓋了從懷孕初期到孩子出生這段時間內該注意的事項及應變處理方式,為準媽媽們建立自信心!

• 支持性的自我照顧與正念練習、每個孕期階段的整體療法、每月孕期的營養食物和食譜,及每種分娩環境的專家建議
• 超過40幅迷人且實用的插圖、圖表和清單
• 涵蓋了每位現代媽媽必須了解的眾多重要主題,包括胎兒發育、選擇醫院、家庭或分娩中心分娩的決策、哺乳基礎知識、產後恢復的預期等

A comprehensive and judgement-free pregnancy companion: Nurture is the only all-in-one pregnancy and birthing book for modern mothers-to-be and their partners who want a more integrative approach. Author Erica Chidi has assisted countless births and helped hundreds of families ease into their new roles through her work as a doula. Nurture covers everything from the beginning months of pregnancy to the baby’s first weeks.

•    Includes supportive self-care and mindfulness exercises, trimester-specific holistic remedies, nourishing foods and recipes for every month of pregnancy, and expert tips for every birth environment.

•    More than 40 charming and helpful illustrations, charts, and lists can be found throughout.

•    Covers dozens of important topics that every modern mom needs to know including fetal development, making choices for a hospital, home or birth center birth, the basics of breastfeeding, tips on what to expect postpartum, and more.
Nurture is an all-inclusive pregnancy and birthing guide that gives soon-to-be mothers and their partners the information they need to make decisions, feel confident, and enjoy the beauty of creating new life.

作者:Erica Chidi Cohen
出版社:Chronicle Books
尺寸:23.7 x 19.1 cm

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