Cookies! : An Interactive Recipe Book
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Cookies! : An Interactive Recipe Book
你家的寶貝喜歡自己動手做餅乾嗎? 那絕對不要錯過這本超級精緻的互動式食譜書! 透過各種精心設計的機關及有趣的互動,讓小神廚們能夠不需要家人的陪伴,自己學習怎麼製作最好吃的餅乾。也不會造成任何混亂!
從篩麵粉,攪拌糖粉,再到打蛋及加入巧克力片,混和材料後放進烤箱裡,做餅乾突然變得好簡單! 打開書本,讓家裡的大廚們大展身手吧!
Bake cookies from scratch inside this interactive recipe book – sift the flour, whisk the sugar, crack the egg, pour the chocolate chips, and more!
Simple yet factual recipe text takes readers through the steps of baking cookies, from combining the dry ingredients to pulling fresh cookies out of the oven, while the interactive features invite them to participate in the process. Move the sifter from side to side to separate the flour, turn the wheel to mix the batter, pull the tab to crack the egg, slide the oven tray out, and more! One hundred percent adult-free, danger-free, and mess-free - baking cookies has never been so independent! The fourth book in Nieminen's bestselling COOK IN A BOOK series.
作者:Lotta Nieminen (By artist), Meagan Bennett (Designed by)
出版社:Phaidon Press Ltd
尺寸:21 x 21 cm