When Mino Took the Bus
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When Mino Took the Bus
今天是花栗鼠Mino要踏上獨自生活的第一天,他親吻完媽媽後,興奮地踏上了巴士。這台巴士會帶Mino到他未來的新家。但Mino是一隻沒耐心的花栗鼠,他等不及想要快點展開新生活,並希望這趟巴士旅程趕快結束。但隨著巴士一站一站的停靠,許多乘客也陸陸續續的上車。這些乘客不僅成為了Mino的朋友,也教會了他許多他不曾知道的事物。有時候過程遠比結果還重要! 一起來看看Mino學到了什麼吧!
Turning eight weeks old is no ordinary feat, when you are a chipmunk. It’s time to say goodbye to mama and set out alone towards what lies ahead.
When the day comes for little Mino to leave, he gives his mama a kiss and excitedly gets on a bus. The bus will take him to his future home, where he will plant his seeds and watch them grow. Mino is impatient for his new life to begin and his bus journey to be over. As the bus stops and a new passenger boards, Mino begins to meet new friend after new friend, each who shows him something he never knew before. As his trip draws to an end, Mino might just discover that the journey counts just as much as the destination.
作者:Simona Ciraolo
出版社:Flying Eye Books
尺寸:29.4 x 21.7 cm