Bookscape Board Books: A Marvelous Museum
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Bookscape Board Books: A Marvelous Museum
你/妳喜歡逛博物館嗎? 博物館裡各種琳瑯滿目的東西可吸引人了! 這本可愛的硬頁書介紹了博物館裡的各種展示品,快來看看有什麼特別的吧!
作品用淺顯易懂的文字及超級精美的插圖來介紹博物館的各種展示。簡直就像把一棟博物館搬到讀者面前一般生動! 獨特的外型設計和滑順的頁面都等著你/妳來體驗,非常適合小小讀者的作品!
Escape into a magical world with this adorable Bookscape Board Book!
Discover a museum's exhibits in this one-of-a-kind book. Each uniquely shaped page overlaps with the next to create a complete landscape when closed—and an immersive world to explore with each turn of the page when open. Delightfully petite and chunky, this book begs to be picked up thanks to its tactile, toylike quality. With simple concept-based text and jubilant illustrations, A Marvelous Museum provides a light introduction to landscapes kids will recognize—or soon encounter.
作者:Ingela P. Arrhenius
出版社:Chronicle Books
尺寸:15.2 x 12.4 cm