A Time to Wean
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A Time to Wean
斷奶是所有孩子們長大必經的過程,但執行起來或許都不如想像中順利。還在為了怎麼讓妳的寶貝們斷奶而感到困擾嗎? 讓寶貝來書中看看其他小動物是怎麼做的吧,他們會知道斷奶並不代表媽媽的愛減少了,反而是下一個階段的開始喔!
一本幫助孩子們成長的作品,書中生動的插圖絕對會是孩子目光吸引的地方! 非常適合正在餵母乳的媽媽們跟小孩一同閱讀。
A Time to Wean is a picture book for babies and toddlers who are weaning from nursing. Follow your favorite animals as they too, grow, discover new things, and nurse less, all with the comfort and reassurance that love and hugs from mama never change.
"When little piglet is first born, mama pig nurses him snug and warm. As piglet grows he nurses less, and discovers new things he likes best. Corn to munch, muddy fun, hugs from mama when day is done."
And so it goes that even our favorite animals have a time to wean. Beautiful illustrations help make this a treasured book long after weaning, and a welcome book for moms in the process of weaning their little one.
作者:Marlene Susan (Author), Hayley Lowe (Illustrator)
出版社:Corolishine Books
尺寸:21.6 x 21.6 cm