Why Did No One Tell Me This? : The Doulas' (Honest) Guide for Expectant Parents
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Why Did No One Tell Me This? : The Doulas' (Honest) Guide for Expectant Parents
這本由專家Natalia Hailes與Ashley Spivak共同編輯的作品,精準的回答了各個孕婦可能會有疑問的地方。她們將懷孕到分娩的過程分成幾個階段,以幽默但不失專業的方式,搭配生動的插圖,讓讀者了解自己的需求,並解決問題。常見的問題如產後憂鬱症,產前焦慮,及各種生理上的狀況,在這本書都能夠找到解答!
Why Did No One Tell Me This?! is a surprisingly hip, personality-filled, beautifully illustrated pregnancy book for a new generation of sex-positive, LGBTQ-friendly, doula-loving parents.
Full of honest advice and inclusive options, Why Did No One Tell Me This? is the funny, personality-filled, illustrated guide to pregnancy, birth, and beyond that modern parents have been waiting for.
Pregnancy and childbirth are full of big questions -- what if my baby is enormous? Will my water break naturally? What even goes into a 'birth plan'? How on earth am I going to keep this child alive once it's here? And where do I turn for advice that will really work for me and my life?
In Why Did No One Tell Me This?! doulas and reproductive health experts Natalia Hailes and Ashley Spivak answer these questions and more for today's wellness-focused, intersectional parents-to-be. Drawing on years of experience in their birth doula practice Brilliant Bodies, as well as expert opinions from lactation specialists, gynecologists, therapists, and more, Natalia and Ashley guide readers through the entire process, from the earliest stages of pregnancy through the jungle of postpartum feelings and responsibilities.
Bite-sized pieces of advice are interspersed with vibrant illustrations to break down the doubts and fears that often surround childbirth and empower readers to explore their own individual needs, know their rights, and find their voice both during and after pregnancy. By addressing common fears, incorporating regular tips for partners, and providing information on a wide array of birth and parents styles, this unique and inclusive guide is the perfect tool for a new generation of parents.
作者:Natalia Hailes, Ash Spivak, Louise Reimer (Illustrator)
出版社:Running Press U.S.
尺寸:21.6 x 16.6 cm