Tacos! : An Interactive Recipe Book
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Tacos! : An Interactive Recipe Book
材料豐富又美味的塔可餅是許多人的心頭好,但你知道製作美味的塔可餅其實並不難嗎? 一起跟著這本有趣的食譜書,輕輕鬆鬆做出好吃的塔可餅吧!
作品裡簡單明瞭的步驟讓小小讀者們也能在協助下化身成超級廚神,跟著書中提供的各種指示及互動的小機關,讓小讀者們可以在不需要刀子,火爐,甚至是大人的陪同下,也能在書中大顯身手。最重要的是,不會弄髒廚房! 喜歡在廚房幫忙或是自己動手做東西的小朋友們一定會非常喜歡的作品。
For kids who cook in a play kitchen or a real kitchen, this interactive recipe book invites readers to chop the vegetables, mash the avocado, warm the tortillas, and more - all inside the book!
Step one: Cut the chicken into cubes and toss it in a bowl with the spices.
Step two: Warm oil on a skillet on the stove, then add the chicken.
Step three: While the chicken cooks, chop the scallions, slice the radishes, shred the cabbage, mince the cilantro.
Simple yet accurate recipe text takes readers through the steps of cooking tacos, while the interactive novelty features such as pull tabs, sliders, wheels, and pop-out pieces invite them to participate in the process. Perfect for kids who love to help in the kitchen, or any child who prefers to "do it myself." This is the third title in the COOK IN A BOOK series.
作者:Lotta Nieminen (Artist), Meagan Bennett (Designed by)
出版社:Phaidon Press Ltd
裝訂:Board Book
尺寸:21.3 x 21.3 cm